As Your Buyer’s Agent

Why choose me as your buyer’s agent? I am experienced, dedicated full-time to the profession, one of the top grossing agents in the area, and possess the necessary geographic competence and understanding of the resort/second-home market. Why does this give my buyers an advantage over others?


  • nearly 50,000 Texas real estate agents have less than 4 years of experience, and 26% have less than 2 years of experience

  • 64% of Texas real estate agents work other jobs

  • 6% of Texas real estate agents did not sell any properties in 2021, and 51% sold less than 10 properties

  • 80% of geographic incompetence complaints against agents occur in resort areas

  • In 2021, my sales volume was 6x more than the national average, and 13x more than the Texas average

  • I hold 13 designations/certifications. This additional training helps me to better serve you.

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National Association of Realtors Historic Membership Count

National Association of Realtors 2021 Member Profile Texas Realtors Report